Friday, March 8, 2019


          ICT is one of the most interesting subjects. It gives you knowledge about computers which always loved by many. We all know that we are in a generation wherein computers are everywhere, technology is everywhere. During the last grading, I, together with my classmates, learned so many things again like in the first, second, and third quarter. I gained knowledge about the photoshop which is so interesting and fun. It was difficult but it was really fun. 

          Everyday, we cannot avoid to have challenges to come in our way. When we are learning, we cannot avoid to have challenges too. During the last quarter, I have faced so many challenges like lack of time, fear of not understanding the lectures, fear of failure, and self-doubt. I have faced many more challenges but these four were overflowing everyday so I picked them up. 

          Challenges are like problems that are so difficult to deal with. At first, I really, really doubted myself if I could do this but I just trusted myself. When challenges have faced me, I intended to overcome those head-on. I addressed my challenges not as something bad but as necessary to get something right. I addressed challenges as a subject because I learned from it. We can learn something from our challenges. Just don't run away from it, instead, overcome it. 

          Moving on, all the lessons that I have learned in this subject will be keep in my mind. For these lessons will be again in my lessons in senior high school and maybe in college also. And moving on, my teachers and my classmates, they will forever stay in my mind and my heart. I will treasure all the lessons and all the memories.


          Everyone has a dream. Most of the people always dream about their future. It is because they want to bewhat they dreamed about in the future or it is because they thought that they will not be like that so might as well dream about it. Dream is a series of thoughts, visions, or feelings that happen during sleep. It is something that you have wanted very much to do, be, or have for a long time. 

          I am a girl with so many dreams. When I was young, I dreamed to become a teacher, engineer, doctor, nurse, fashion designer, and many more. But as years passed by, my dream changed. After so many years of dreaming what I would be in the future, I finally made up my mind. I already know what I want to be in the future. It is to become a Certified Public Accountant. I used to dream about this certain job. I want to dream something new but this is making a way to be in my dream all the time. And I figured out, this must be it. And because of this dream, I always give my best in my studies even though it's hard. 

          Dream all you want because a miracle starts whenever you dream. Being able to dream is being able to believe. Being able to believe in yourself that you can do it. Believe is all that can be. And I'm claiming it. That whatever I'm dreaming about, I can achieve it with all my might in the future. I can achieve it because I believe. And because of that, I'm claiming it. That my dream will be my future.


          Most of the students are saying that high school life is the happiest time and I agree to that. High school life is the happiest because it has more fun and less workload. This time of our lives is the time wherein we are going to the adult stage. We mature in this time of our lives and we can now make a decision that our parents will not be involve. It is because they loosen their grips a bit on the rules and we, therefore, experiment a lot during this time.

          High school life will not be complete without high school day. This event is the most awaited event of the students. For this event unites every student who are studying in a school. This year, Ilocos Sur National High School recently celebrated the 117th High School Day. It was filled with joy and laughters. From the start of the parade to the field demo where every student is to show their talent in dancing. It is a typical high school day that every student wants to have.

          High school day is a good event. It is where a relationship, a friendship to be exact, can be made. It is where socialization is held. This high school day is celebrated for us student to socialize and bring out our hidden talents. This event is enjoyable and I can say that this event is one of the highlights of our high school life.


          ICT is one of the most interesting subjects. It gives you knowledge about computers which always loved by many. We all know that ...