Friday, October 19, 2018

Scientific Potentials, Successful World

Every year, ever school is celebrating the science month. This must always be present to school or else, it will be much boring without this. And, of course, every celebration has a theme. This year's theme is, "WAVEFRONT: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements". The theme means that for us to contribute to technological advancements in our own little ways, we must first discover our inner potential. Our inner potential can lead us to find ways to make our work more efficient. But, it will make our life easier if we can contribute to more efficient technology. 

Potential is capable of becoming real. It is a chance or possibility that something will happen or exist in the future. And it is an ability that someone has that can be developed to help that person become successful. We need to discover our potentials as early as now for us to know more about ourselves. To know our strengths and weaknesses for us to develop. We can improve more our strengths and make our weaknesses to be one of our strengths so that we can contibute to our society. Who knows, we might be professionals in the near future. 

This year's theme is a great one. It wanted to encourage us students to discover more about ourselves especially our potentials so that we can contribute positive results in improving this world through the use of technology. We must work on our scientific potentials to improve our society, to improve our world. 

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          ICT is one of the most interesting subjects. It gives you knowledge about computers which always loved by many. We all know that ...