Friday, March 8, 2019


          Everyone has a dream. Most of the people always dream about their future. It is because they want to bewhat they dreamed about in the future or it is because they thought that they will not be like that so might as well dream about it. Dream is a series of thoughts, visions, or feelings that happen during sleep. It is something that you have wanted very much to do, be, or have for a long time. 

          I am a girl with so many dreams. When I was young, I dreamed to become a teacher, engineer, doctor, nurse, fashion designer, and many more. But as years passed by, my dream changed. After so many years of dreaming what I would be in the future, I finally made up my mind. I already know what I want to be in the future. It is to become a Certified Public Accountant. I used to dream about this certain job. I want to dream something new but this is making a way to be in my dream all the time. And I figured out, this must be it. And because of this dream, I always give my best in my studies even though it's hard. 

          Dream all you want because a miracle starts whenever you dream. Being able to dream is being able to believe. Being able to believe in yourself that you can do it. Believe is all that can be. And I'm claiming it. That whatever I'm dreaming about, I can achieve it with all my might in the future. I can achieve it because I believe. And because of that, I'm claiming it. That my dream will be my future.

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