Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Planting Is The Key To Have Right Nutrition


         In a year, there are 12 months. In these 12 months, one of them is the month of July which is called as the "Nutrition Month". July will be very boring in every school without a celebration for this Nutrition Month. So, every school around the world prepared some activities, contests, and many more in connection with the theme. For this year's theme is, "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin". This year's theme, for me, aims to give a special attention to the significance of food gardening or planting your own food among all families, especially, Filipino families. This is important because it gives focus in informing every students for the importance of right nutrition that is needed in our body.

      I think that the main purpose of this year's theme is to engage on somewhat healthy so that all of us can live the way we want, can live longer, and can live healthier. For us to live the way we want, longer, and healthier, we need to plant food or vegetables. It is necessary to buy vegetables in the market but sometimes or most of the time, vegetables or foods that can buy in the market are not that safe. It is because we don't know if those vegetables are still good or fresh. It will give you the feeling of anxiety because you are in doubt about that certain product. Meanwhile, if you plant your own food, you can harvest it and you will get the freshest and organic food or vegetables. If you plant it in your own, you'll feel safe. You won't feel anxiousness. You won't feel some bad feelings about your food. If you plant, as what the theme says, you will gain right nutrition.
       Food gardening or planting your own food is not that bad. It is actually good because it will improve your nutrition. It will also contribute some improvement in our lifestyle. It will make us safer. It will make our lives better. It will make our existence longer and healthier. So what we waiting for? Instead of just sitting with your gadgets, go plant and gain right nutrition.



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