Friday, February 1, 2019


          New Year's Day is a national holiday celebrated on January 1st, which is the first day of a new year. It is the time at which a new calendar year begins. This event is celebrated around the world. Most people are excited about this event because another year means fresh start, the beginning of something new and being able to change something with yourself. It is a fresh start to make new memories and decisions. It is a chance to commit to something new about yourself.

          Every time the New Year comes, it seems like the perfect time for self-improvement. But I cannot deny the fact that I've always failed what I promised during new years but again, this year, I promise myself that this time will be different. This year will be much more amazing than the previous year. This year, I would like to change something with myself. I like to focus more on to my priorities such as my studies because as we all know, this year, we will graduate from junior high school which is so amazing. I would also like to change a little bit of my attitude because I realized that I'm such a hussy to my friends, my classmates, and also to my parents. From the past years and my past experiences, I have learned things specially in the aspects of life itself, which made me realized to act accordingly and responsibly. That is why I came up with ideas which are now made into my promises.

          New Year is like a new book, every page is blank. We are the ones who will be going to put words on them. We are like authors in our everyday lives. You are the author of your own life and I'm the author of my own. And this year, I will give my best shot and I will be the author like no other. I only live my life once so might as well try new things, make so much memories, and try to make a new version of me.


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