Friday, October 19, 2018

All Together In Dignity To Overcome Poverty

One of the most awaited event in school is the United Nation Month Celebration. Every school makes an event or activity wherein students will reflect the clothing or cultures of other countries. This celebration is celebrated annually. This year's theme is, "Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human rights and dignity". This theme will made us join people around the world to reflect on the progress we have made just to end poverty.  Poverty is an assault on human dignity. Dignity is the state of being worthy of honor or respect. It is now generally understood that poverty is a result of dispowerment and exclusion.

This year's theme is encouraging us to work together to overcome or end this so called poverty and to ensure that no one is left behind. Being left behind is not a wonderful scene in the life of people. It will only make you sad thinking what did you do for you to be left behind.

Let us all make our best for us not to only end extreme poverty, but to curb inequality and fast-track progress for the people who are left furthest behind. Let's not make the people who are left furthest behind to feel that they are not special. As this year's theme reminds us, let's ensure access to basic needs to every people and some basic human rights and dignity to millions of people. Let's make this real because all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. The very essence of the convection is respect for human dignity and human rights.

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