Friday, October 19, 2018


ICT is one of the most interesting subjects. It gives you knowledge about computers which always loved by many. We all know that we are in a generation wherein computers are everywhere, technology is everywhere. During the second grading, I, together with my classmates, learned so many things again like in the first quarter. I gained knowledge about the internet access and about tags which is so interesting and fun. Typing in a notepad is so fun and gives you more knowledge about tags. It was difficult but it was really fun.

Everyday, we cannot avoid to have challenges to come in our way. When we are learning, we cannot avoid to have challenges too. During the second quarter, I have faced so many challenges like lack of time, fear of not understanding the lectures, fear of failure, and self-doubt. I have faced many more challenges but these four were overflowing everyday so I picked them up.

Challenges are like problems that are so difficult to deal with. At first, I really, really doubted myself if I could do this but I just trusted myself. When challenges have faced me, I intended to overcome those head-on. I addressed my challenges not as something bad but as necessary to get something right. I addressed challenges as a subject because I learned from it. We can learn something from our challenges. Just don't run away from it, instead, overcome it.

Moving on, I will be much more active and lively. I will give my 100% effort to this subject for the next 5 months. I will study harder. I will trust myself more. I will not doubt myself anymore. I will help myself to learn more. I will overcome the challenges that will be on my way and lastly, I will pass this subject with a smile.

All Together In Dignity To Overcome Poverty

One of the most awaited event in school is the United Nation Month Celebration. Every school makes an event or activity wherein students will reflect the clothing or cultures of other countries. This celebration is celebrated annually. This year's theme is, "Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human rights and dignity". This theme will made us join people around the world to reflect on the progress we have made just to end poverty.  Poverty is an assault on human dignity. Dignity is the state of being worthy of honor or respect. It is now generally understood that poverty is a result of dispowerment and exclusion.

This year's theme is encouraging us to work together to overcome or end this so called poverty and to ensure that no one is left behind. Being left behind is not a wonderful scene in the life of people. It will only make you sad thinking what did you do for you to be left behind.

Let us all make our best for us not to only end extreme poverty, but to curb inequality and fast-track progress for the people who are left furthest behind. Let's not make the people who are left furthest behind to feel that they are not special. As this year's theme reminds us, let's ensure access to basic needs to every people and some basic human rights and dignity to millions of people. Let's make this real because all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. The very essence of the convection is respect for human dignity and human rights.

TEACHER: A Great Hero

Teachers' Day is a national festival, and it is celebrated all over the world to celebrate and thank our teachers for their hardwork and dedication. Teachers shape our minds and goals of our younger generation. Their contribution to our society cannot be easily ignored because they are our light to our path of righteousness and success. They are the reason of what we are today and we should take a moment to pay our respect and gratitude for them. It is by these reasons why Teachers' Day is celebrated by many countries. We have to honor our teachers for they are doing their best just for our better future.

Professionals like Engineers, Lawyers, Doctors, Accountants, Chefs, and others are not professionals today without the hardwork of a teacher. And students can't learn enough without a teacher. It is because, teachers are so hardworking in making our good to be better, and our better to be best. They have the determination and honesty which the destiny of nation can be shape and they can never retire from this duty in order to provide basic education for all of us students and people.

Teachers are like real potters that will not just going to give our life a shape, but also enable to lit like a lamp forever for us to have a light in walking in darkness. Their role in our lives can never be under estimated. We can never pay the debts which a teacher has made on us for making us a good person with lots of good qualities. But, thank them for them to feel special, loved, and most especially, to feel that they are appreciated.

Scientific Potentials, Successful World

Every year, ever school is celebrating the science month. This must always be present to school or else, it will be much boring without this. And, of course, every celebration has a theme. This year's theme is, "WAVEFRONT: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements". The theme means that for us to contribute to technological advancements in our own little ways, we must first discover our inner potential. Our inner potential can lead us to find ways to make our work more efficient. But, it will make our life easier if we can contribute to more efficient technology. 

Potential is capable of becoming real. It is a chance or possibility that something will happen or exist in the future. And it is an ability that someone has that can be developed to help that person become successful. We need to discover our potentials as early as now for us to know more about ourselves. To know our strengths and weaknesses for us to develop. We can improve more our strengths and make our weaknesses to be one of our strengths so that we can contibute to our society. Who knows, we might be professionals in the near future. 

This year's theme is a great one. It wanted to encourage us students to discover more about ourselves especially our potentials so that we can contribute positive results in improving this world through the use of technology. We must work on our scientific potentials to improve our society, to improve our world. 


          ICT is one of the most interesting subjects. It gives you knowledge about computers which always loved by many. We all know that ...