Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Celebrating For The Sacrifices Made

                    Every year, we celebrate the Philippines Independence Day. It was celebrated every 12th day of June. This day is memorable because it was the day our flag was raised and the first time our national anthem was played or sang. It was the day that every Filipino would always remember. This is because as our flag was raised by the "Katipuneros", it was already considered that our country was already free from the hands of the Spaniards. But why do we really celebrate this day?

          For us to have freedom, we need to sacrifice some important things to us. We celebrate the Philippines Independence Day because this day, we reached the freedom we are longing for. We celebrate this day also to acknowledge the sacrifices and the bravery of our ancestors. They sacrificed their own blood, sweat, and life just to achieve the freedom that we want. It is just right to celebrate this day to show our respect for them because-because of them, we are free today to do the things that we are doing and the things that we want to do.

          In life, some important things may need to be sacrifice for us to achieve what we are wishing or dreaming on. We have to take actions to achieve those wishes and dreams. For our freedom, our ancestors are the ones that sacrificed some important things. Respect and gratitude, these are all we need to do. We also need to be a good citizen. We show how much we love our country by being a good citizen. I hope that we should value truthfully and treasure the sacrifices and the bravery of our ancestors because that's all we can do to show our respect, gratitude, and love for our country and for our ancestors.

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