Monday, July 30, 2018

SONA 2018

In every country, there must be a President. And in our country, the Philippines, our 16th President is Rodrigo Duterte. His Presidency began on June 30, 2016. According to my research, he is 71 years old already and considered to be the oldest person ever elected to the Presidency. And according also to my research, every President must deliver an annual address which is called SONA or the State of the Nation Address until the end of their term of office. SONA serves as a means to inform the nation about its current or ongoing economic, social, and political condition. It is also an instrument for the President to summarize the accomplishments and plans of his/her program.
On July 23, 2018, President Rodrigo Duterte delivered his third State of the Nation Address. He had delivered accomplishments and his plans for our country. I was not able to watch the whole thing on the television but I read some of his lines on the internet that really amazed me. One of his lines that I like is, "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives." For every lines or words that came from his mouth, I know that it came from his heart. I know that he meant it all. As a student, I saw that there are changes that happened in our country for the past 2 years as President Duterte takes place as the President of the Philippines. President Rodrigo Duterte really deserves to our President.
Presidency is not a joke. It takes courage, strength, and bravery to step on that  position. And our President Duterte step on that position with bravery, I salute him for that. And we all know that Presidents make many speeches and one of the most important speech a President may deliver is his SONA. Even though, all of us may be tired of hearing the same things over and over again, we can't help but to listen. We can't help but to anticipate because a President is speaking. He deserves to be heard. All President deserves to be heard. Why? Because they are President.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Planting Is The Key To Have Right Nutrition


         In a year, there are 12 months. In these 12 months, one of them is the month of July which is called as the "Nutrition Month". July will be very boring in every school without a celebration for this Nutrition Month. So, every school around the world prepared some activities, contests, and many more in connection with the theme. For this year's theme is, "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin". This year's theme, for me, aims to give a special attention to the significance of food gardening or planting your own food among all families, especially, Filipino families. This is important because it gives focus in informing every students for the importance of right nutrition that is needed in our body.

      I think that the main purpose of this year's theme is to engage on somewhat healthy so that all of us can live the way we want, can live longer, and can live healthier. For us to live the way we want, longer, and healthier, we need to plant food or vegetables. It is necessary to buy vegetables in the market but sometimes or most of the time, vegetables or foods that can buy in the market are not that safe. It is because we don't know if those vegetables are still good or fresh. It will give you the feeling of anxiety because you are in doubt about that certain product. Meanwhile, if you plant your own food, you can harvest it and you will get the freshest and organic food or vegetables. If you plant it in your own, you'll feel safe. You won't feel anxiousness. You won't feel some bad feelings about your food. If you plant, as what the theme says, you will gain right nutrition.
       Food gardening or planting your own food is not that bad. It is actually good because it will improve your nutrition. It will also contribute some improvement in our lifestyle. It will make us safer. It will make our lives better. It will make our existence longer and healthier. So what we waiting for? Instead of just sitting with your gadgets, go plant and gain right nutrition.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Letter to the President

Leni Jane Morales
Pantay Quitiquit, Caoayan,
Ilocos Sur

July 10, 2018


MalacaƱang Palace Compound
J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel

Dear President Duterte,

I wrote this letter to voice my deep concern regarding the students who are engaging in the acts of bullying.

I have learned that there are 80% of students here in the Philippines that are experiencing every type of bullying which is not good. Most of the students are experiencing cyber bullying which is the fastest way to humiliate someone. I learned also that there are 1,700 cases of bullying being reported in the year 2013-2014 but only 60% of these cases were solved. The remaining cases aren't solved yet according to my research.

We all know what is the meaning of bullying. It is an act of violence that is considered a crime because it can kill someone who is not good in handling or overcoming things like this and they can't stand the embarrassment or they lack positivity.

While the victims of this violence are suffering from depression which can lead to suicidal acts, loneliness, and self-blame, the bullies are all laughing like they did not do anything wrong. They are all going in malls and parties while the victims are in the corner of their room, crying in a silent mode because they don't want their family hear them crying.

I conclude that bullying is not just a school problem but it is also a society problem. You or we must make a move in order to make the bullies or all the students understand that bullying shouldn't be done because of its effects to the victims. I hope that you can make some orders in order to stop this criminal violence so that every student can enjoy and benefits from school.


Grade 10 student

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Celebrating For The Sacrifices Made

                    Every year, we celebrate the Philippines Independence Day. It was celebrated every 12th day of June. This day is memorable because it was the day our flag was raised and the first time our national anthem was played or sang. It was the day that every Filipino would always remember. This is because as our flag was raised by the "Katipuneros", it was already considered that our country was already free from the hands of the Spaniards. But why do we really celebrate this day?

          For us to have freedom, we need to sacrifice some important things to us. We celebrate the Philippines Independence Day because this day, we reached the freedom we are longing for. We celebrate this day also to acknowledge the sacrifices and the bravery of our ancestors. They sacrificed their own blood, sweat, and life just to achieve the freedom that we want. It is just right to celebrate this day to show our respect for them because-because of them, we are free today to do the things that we are doing and the things that we want to do.

          In life, some important things may need to be sacrifice for us to achieve what we are wishing or dreaming on. We have to take actions to achieve those wishes and dreams. For our freedom, our ancestors are the ones that sacrificed some important things. Respect and gratitude, these are all we need to do. We also need to be a good citizen. We show how much we love our country by being a good citizen. I hope that we should value truthfully and treasure the sacrifices and the bravery of our ancestors because that's all we can do to show our respect, gratitude, and love for our country and for our ancestors.


          ICT is one of the most interesting subjects. It gives you knowledge about computers which always loved by many. We all know that ...